git --version
The task of keeping a software system consisting of many versions and configurations well organized
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.
Check out the video below:
The cheatsheet represents some of the most used commands that allows you to achieve the Git workflow.
Click here for an exhaustive book on git commands
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Basic Structure </title>
<img src="" alt="" />
1. git init
-> Initializes git into project folder
2. Make the necessary changes to the application. Save the file and render in browser to observe added functionality.
3. git status
-> Checks the status to see status of files in directory
4. git add .
-> Adds files to staging area. In preparation to be committed.
5. git status
-> Check status again to see if file(s) were added to staging area.
6. git commit -m "adding category"
-> Document the change by committing changes and addding a brief message.
7. git log
-> To view commit history and timestamp.
Match the command with the description to the right by dragging and dropping term into box.
Branching allows you to create a copy of your master branch. You can experiment and test new functionality on new branches. Branching allows you to keep your master branch clean.
Git allows you to retrieve and update remote repositories and update local repositories.
Officially migrated to this strategy as of August
2 Factor Auth. and SSH can be used
Greater Control + Security for both company and user
Helpful Resource
# Learning about ReadMe Files
A ReadMe File helps provide documentation for your repository.
## MarkDown Syntax
Consist of Headers, Lists, Images, Links, Emphasis and blockquotes
## You can also document code
import foobar
foobar.pluralize('word') # returns 'words'
foobar.pluralize('goose') # returns 'geese'
foobar.singularize('phenomena') # returns 'phenomenon'
## Definition
Markdown is a way to style text on the web.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
## GoodBy
[Purchase a Shirt](
A company can structure thier workflow a variety of ways. It's important to understand the procedures and policy of a company's version control setup.
Branching Strategy
Team determines a strategy on how they will utilize the branching functionality to successfully version control their project. Team members have full read-write access.
Allows for more control over repository and allows anyone to contribute. Preferred workflow for open source projects with a community
You can add repositories to your teams with more flexible levels of access (Admin, Write, Read). It's not a workflow, but rather a way of providing guidance to respositories.
Typical Branch Strategy - Companies vary on strategy, but this process should be well documented and communicated to each member.
Step 1
Create a folder on your local machine to bring down remote copy. Execute the command "git init"
to initialize git.
Step 2
Connect to remote repository by running "git remote add origin REMOTE_REPO_URL"
Step 3
Execute the command "git pull origin SPECIFIC_BRANCH"
to bring down files onto local machine.
Step 4
Create a new local branch by executing the command "git branch "SPECIFIC_BRANCH"
checkout to new local branch by executing "git checkout SPECIFIC_BRANCH"
Step 5
Make the necessary adjustments - make necessary commits - Execute the "git push origin SPECIFIC_BRANCH"
to push up changes to remote repository.
Caution: Push to agreed upon branch decided as a team
Step 6
Execute a pull request on the hosted Github repository page - Perfect time for code review as a team - communication tool set-up to notify team
A strategy typically used for opensource projects.
Work with your team to decide upon a branching strategy and take turns documenting your strategy in a file. Complete the three steps below.
Step 1
Decide upon a team lead to do the initial repository set-up and addition of collaborators to repo.
Step 2
In your readme file - Provide the number of branches you will have, the name and purpose of each branch.
Step 3
In your readme file - Generate a list of versioning workflow guidlines your team will agree to. Ex. Code review prior to merging into prod.
How often should you make commits to your project?
Which of the following commands will stage your entire directory and every non-empty directory inside your current directory?
Which of the following is the correct way to initialize a new Git repository?
Which of the following options is the proper way to supply a message to a commit?